Monday, November 4, 2013

Let Your Light Shine

Matthew 5:14-16, "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot by hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl, instead they put it on it's stand, for all in the house to see. In the same way, let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven."

Have you ever thought about this scripture? When we read it, it sounds so nice and good. "I am the light of the world, let my light shine before men that they may see my good deeds and glorify my Father in Heaven. " I can hear the children's nursery songs playing in my head and it's so light hearted and fun.

I mean wow.... MY good deeds can cause people to glorify my father in heaven??

It sounds prestigious, purposeful and important.


I can totally be a light on a hill, unhidden and important. Lighting up the whole house and bringing glory to my God. That sounds AH-MAZING

Unfortunately, I'm learning as I journey farther into my walk with Christ, just how DIFFICULT this scripture is.

How hard it is to live out what once seemed so inspiring, so exciting and delightful.

When I think of a light stand, shining into the darkness..I think of hope! I want to be hope..I mean, doesn't every christian WANT to be hope in the darkness?? Sure they do...

But I'm learning that being a light is more than just nice accolades and inspiring scriptures.

Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes, it means standing up for Gods word in a world where Gods word is becoming obsolete.

Sometimes being a light means, speaking in Black and White to a world who is trained from childhood to see Grey.

Sometimes being a light gets you made fun of, poked at, ridiculed, called horrible names.

Sometimes being a light isolates you from friends and family.

Sometimes, being a light is lonely.

It's not always fun, or prestigious, or anything you "think" it will be when you first read this scripture.

So why do it?? Why follow the scriptures advice and be a light at all?
Isn't it just easier to lay low, know what you believe, but stay quiet and let others just live their lives??After all their decisions are "between them and God" right?? who am I to say a word??

IF you've had those thoughts, you're not alone. I have them often!! Is it worth it to stand up for righteousness? Is it worth it to say that the BIBLE is Gods Holy Word and the ONLY standard by which we should live? Is it worth being met with anger and hostility?

Is it worth it?

After thinking long about a light post, this is what I've concluded.

1. A lamp post is often alone. 
- You don't usually see lamp posts all clustered together do you? Nope...But why? Well, because a huge cluster of lamp posts only lights up that one area. If we live in a world that is engulfed in darkness, we often have to shine where no one else is shining.  We may see the light of other lamp posts in the distance and dream of being where they are, but sometimes God calls us to shine in a completely different area, and sometimes it's an area where light has been absent for some time.

2. A lamp post isn't always wanted
- Sometimes, our lamp post is a dim little flicker, and other times it's like a flood light!
We live in a world that lives in perpetual spiritual darkness. The ONLY light we have is Jesus and he has been so far removed from the equation in most situations that nothing but darkness remains.

But what happens when you turn on a bright light when you've been sitting in the dark for a long time?? You flinch, you shut your eyes, you cover your face. It's just our instinct to whence at the light when we've been in the dark. Inside the darkness the absence of light becomes normal, so when the light is returned it hurts. Some people aren't willing to see past the hurt the light initially brings. They are used to the dark, the dark makes sense. The Light is painful and offensive, it seems "unnatural" so they instinctively try to get rid of the light so they can return to what was comfortable.

They are also not wanted because evil can easily be masked in darkness. Why do most crimes happen in dark alleyways instead of in the middle of the street during the day?? Because darkness, conceals, it hides. Light is forth telling, it reveals and exposes.

3. The Light is needed
- Just as there are those who flinch in the light, there are those who are drowning in their darkness and they are frantically searching for hope. When the sun breaks over the horizon the darkness of night fades away and new hope for a new day arises. There are people who are craving a bit of light. They are in such desperate need of hope that they welcome the pain of the light because they can't bare the pain of the darkness any longer. They NEED us to shine.

That is why we do it!!

Because for every 10 people who may reject the light, there are a few that welcome it, that crave it, that NEED IT!!!!
As Christians we go through the loneliness, the hurt feelings and the rejection because we know that somewhere, someone is needing to see our light.

Did you hear me? someWHERE, someONE, is needing to see YOUR LIGHT!

Is it easier to be quiet in the face of controversial issues and not bear the brunt of people ugliness. YES!!!

Is it easier to just keep your relationship with God between you and Him and let others deal with themselves..YES!!!!!!

Is it easier to surround yourself with people who believe just like you and can affirm your own convictions and beliefs instead of constantly questioning and trying them?? YES, YES and YES!!!!!!

It's easier.

But God didn't put a light in us just for us to feel satisfied in our own ability to see. He put a light in us to help show the world that they are in darkness...and that they need a SAVIOR.

Luke 10:16 says: "Than he (Jesus) said to the disciples, He who receives your message is also receiving me. He who rejects your message, is also rejecting me. and anyone who rejects me, is rejecting God who sent me."

John 15:19-21 "If you were of the world, the world would love it's own. Yet because you are not of the world, and I chose you out of the world, the world hates you. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you...for the do not know the one who sent me."

It feels so personal, when people come against you for speaking the Word of God. It feels so personal, when you're called names, called a hypocrite or self righteous as if you have to be perfect to believe that Gods word is the standard by which to live.

Trust me, it hurts. It's never fun and for me it doesn't matter how many times it happens, it's hard.
BUT, I am encouraged knowing that it isn't ME, but rather CHRIST in me that is so offensive.

So when you're faced with the question of ...."Is this worth it"  " Does this issue REALLY matter?"

Remember; If it's based on BIBLICAL truth it is something people need to hear whether they receive it, or reject it.

The light may be offensive to those who love darkness...BUT the light is absolutely imperative to the soul who's desperately needing hope.

Jesus is their hope!

Christ's light is in you!

SO GO SHINE!!!!!!!!!

I love you all, be blessed!!

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