Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Beautiful Mess

As a wife and mother of two little darlings, sometimes I have bad days. Sometimes those days turn into weeks or months or ATTITUDES and I finally collapse feeling like a big heaping ball of mess laced with some good intentions.

Can you relate?

In those times, it's so easy to feel like I'm alone in these feelings and that every other mom and wife has it all together. Their houses are clean, their menu's are planned and their children look like baby gap models who live in a room kept so clean it could be pictured for pottery barn. Yes, these wives and moms are sweet and gentle. Never raising a voice to their children and always lovingly tucking their sweet little souls into bed each night just wishing that her perfect children could stay awake a little longer. Then she puts on perfume and lipstick and something sassy and rushes in to make her husband feel like the king that he is.
Yes these women have it all together. The never have the down right ugly, bad days like I do. They never struggle with bad attitudes and exasperated sighs.

OK OK, so we KNOW that no ones life is quite like that..and if yours is..well, I HATE YOU! ha kidding kidding.

But in all seriousness, we've all had those bad days. We've all muttered the words, "Today was such a mess" " My kids are such a mess" or "I AM SUCH A MESS".

I'm here to tell you that even in your messiest days, and I mean MESSIEST days, where your kids barely make it to bed alive, and you barely escape a prison sentence as you mutter a tired, "hi hun" to your spouse as your stumble to your bed before collapsing. Not even bothering to wash the baby drool from your hair or the jelly gunk off your cheek where a delightful little hand decided to smack you for telling them no! Yep, even on those messiest days. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, and there is beauty in the midst of your mess.

Ephesians 2:10 says, "For you are GOD'S MASTERPIECE, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for you to do."

It may not seem like it today, but there are good works that God has intended for YOU to do, and YOU are the perfect masterpiece for the job.

Don't let your messy bad day trick you into thinking that YOU are a mess.

YOU are a masterpiece.
YOU are beautiful.

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