Thursday, October 17, 2013

Belly Achin

My son turned one less than a month ago and I'm learning so much about my relationship with God through him. It's sort of strange considering he's my second child. I'm not sure what was happening when my daughter was this age..I may have just been too completely overwhelmed as a new mom to see past the actual circumstances. I'm not sure. Never the less, I'm learning so much this time around.

Recently my son has entered into a stage of increased fussiness. He is generally a happy little fella but not the last several weeks. There are many things that could be causing his angst. Things ranging from, switching from formula to milk, having his one year shots, molars breaking through, trying to learn to walk. Whatever the cause, this new season of grouchiness is enough to make this momma feel a little mental!! I'm not kidding. After about 4 hours of off and on (mostly on) crying, I want to lock MYSELF into an institution. But I muddle through the best I can and try to find ways to appease him.

In my moments of extreme weakness sometimes I {not so proudly} let out a loud..."PLEEEEAAAAASSSSEE STOP CRYING!!"  Which usually makes him cry more. ha That's what I get for losing my cool I suppose.

The thing is, I don't know why he's crying. He's been fed, he's been changed, I've tried holding him, playing with him, I've tried tylenol or teething tabs. I've tried snacks, bottles, giving him sharp object to play with (kidding kidding)....nothing seems to help in these moments.

I've concluded that most of his problem right now is that he wants attention..ALL THE TIME! He wants what he wants, and if he's not getting it.. he'll let you know by way of some serious BELLY ACHIN.

It's been a very trying time.

Today was another one of those trying days, where I've put out little emotional fires all day long and I'm left feeling pretty grouchy myself.
We are both doin our share of BELLY ACHIN

Today while folding laundry I started thinking about the Lord and my relationship with Him.

You see, I'm not so different than my whiny little one year old.

I'm an almost 30 year old wife and mom, who's needs have been completely met in every area and yet I can get lost in my fussiness. I can get trapped in my wants and unmet desires.
I can focus on my area's of sadness or discontentment.

Maybe to God I look much like my little guy who sits on the floor in the midst of all his blessings and whines for what he doesn't have.

I could certainly argue that MY WHINING comes from a deep place of longing within my soul of unmet desires..But to God, do I just look ungrateful?? maybe..

I'm not downplaying Gods compassion, because he certainly has more for me than I tend to have for my crying little fella. His compassion and mercy is always new and there for us. But I wonder if he ever thinks to himself...

It doesn't matter what I do for them...they are unhappy.

I can provide for them financially, and meet every physical need. I can keep their family healthy, and safe from harm. I can bless them with purpose and give them fulfilling relationships and yet....

There they sit....

Whining, crying, discontented.

I've learned that when Parker is in a mood, sitting on the floor with him works best.

If I go to him in the middle of a cry fest and pick him up. It doesn't stop his crying. He's in my arms, but he's upset. Nothing I try to provide or distract him with in that moment works at all.

But if I sit on the floor and wait, eventually he will come over to me, crawl up into my lap..and typically calm down, for a little while anyways.

I see Gods ways with us so clearly in this.

He has the ability to pick us up and carry us anytime he wants...certainly anytime we need. And he probably does. But when we're in the midst of our crying we can't be consoled. It's like we're too focused on being upset to bother noticing that he's working to comfort us.

I know many times in my life, after I've had a good pity party, I can just sense God near. He's not forcing me to stop crying or stop feeling sorry for myself..but he's waiting for me to come to Him for comfort. He doesn't just pick me up and try to force a pacifier in my mouth for a quick fix. He knows that if I really want to be comforted and see change, I have to choose to come to Him and let him do the consoling. When I crawl up into his lap, it's like the whole atmosphere changes for me, my attitudes change and his presence brings so much peace.

I don't want to be a 30 year old belly acher. I don't want to be a woman who sees the blah before the beautiful. I don't want to look like my whiny little one year old to God. Looking past the previous blessings and onto the next thing I'm "needing" from Him.

I don't know if you can relate to this at all. Maybe you're a belly acher. Maybe you just struggle to see the beauty before the blah.

In either case my prayer for us all is wrapped up in this scripture.

Philipians 4:12 "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content and any and EVERY situation. Whether well fed, or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."

May we all learn the secret of being content in ANY and EVERY situation.

Let us see the beauty in our messes, the beauty before the blah and stop our belly achin.

Be blessed today!! :)

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