Hey all my beautifully messy mommy friends.
October was a CRAZY month for us. Lost going on, very busy, no time for blogging (obviously) :)
But I'm hoping that November is a little more calm, I'm so excited to be Christmas shopping and preparing for the holidays. I L-O-V-E this time of year.
I just want to share what's on my heart today, this is something that I think we all need to hear from time to time because we too easily forget.
There I said it. You are a good mom!!
You may not feel like one today, you may have had moments of breakdown, fighting, screaming, spankings, and time outs...But YOU are a good mom.
Don't compare your mothering to anyone elses. Don't compare your kids to anyone elses.
Comparison is NOT a true gauge of your individual worth.
I know for me, when I start to compare myself or my kids to others people's kids I can feel like a crummy mom.
But my friends' kids are different than my kids, my friends' personalities are different than my personality. It's just not fair to ourselves OR to the person we are comparing ourselves to to constantly be holding ourselves to a standard that was not given to us by God.
What works in your home may not work in someone else's and vice versa. Don't allow the enemy to make you think that because your mothering looks differently that it is wrong.
You have to find what works best within your household.
Now, I believe strongly in getting advice from others, or implementing new skills as a parent. We shouldn't use this as an excuse to just let our kids be crazy little hooligans. But there must be balance.
I think more often than not we are made to feel less than adequate, whether it be from lies from the enemy, our own insecurities, or unintentionally by our friends.
You love your kids, you're doing your best, and you're making a difference.
I saw a saying recently and absolutely love it.
That is true for me and it's true for you!!
No matter what you may be facing today, YOU are a great mom!!
I pray that your acceptance and knowledge of this truth will fill your heart with peace and joy today!
Be Blessed!
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